
Colloquium:Cosmic structure formation with analytic methods

Time: Nov. 19th, 2020 14:00
Location: Meng Nan Building S727 or Online via Zoom (ID: 943 1327 9503, PW: 202011)

Prof. Matthias Bartelmann (Univ. Heidelberg)

Kinetic field theory (KFT) has been developed in recent years to study structure formation in ensembles of classical particles in and out of equilibrium. In a straightforward manner, KFT can be specialised to cosmology, where it allows to calculate highly non-linear power spectra of cosmic density fluctuations with analytic means. I will summarize the main concepts of KFT and its cosmological applications and show how the flexibility of KFT can be used to study structure formation with large varieties of dark-matter models or generalised theories of gravity.

Prof. Bartelmann got his PhD from LMU München, he used to be postdoc in MPI and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. During 1995-2003, he worked as senior researcher at MPI for Astrophysics, Garching. Since 2003, he worked as full professor of theoretical astrophysics in Heidelberg University. During 2012-2016 he was member of German Physical Society; during 2012-2019, he was Spokesman of Commission for Research and Strategy, Heidelberg University.He used to be dean and vice-dean of department of physics and astronomy. He won teaching prize twice.

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