
International Students Enrollment FAQ

Q1. Can international students enter China as usual for the Fall semester?

A: The Fall semester at Tsinghua University will commence as scheduled. According to the current situation of epidemic prevention and control:

For international students now in the low-risk regions in the Chinese Mainland, they are expected to register on-site at the university and take part in offline learning.

For students who are not currently in the Chinese Mainland and who cannot enter the country due to travel restrictions and entry requirements, they can register online for online learning.

Q5. If I am already in the Chinese Mainland, can I enroll at the university normally?

A: Whether you can enroll at university as usual is determined by the domestic epidemic situation and policy requirements. Based on the current domestic epidemic situation, international students who are in the low-risk regions in the Chinese Mainland are expected to come to the university to register normally. Please patiently await further notice from the university regarding the time and other requirements for coming to the university.

When enrolling at the university, international students should use the same identity (including name and nationality) as the one that was used to successfully apply at the university. They should carry the passport with the above-mentioned identity to enroll on-site.

Q9. For international students currently in the Chinese Mainland, how do they enroll?

A: International students currently in Chinese Mainland low-risk regions are expected to enroll on campus. After students enroll through the online enrollment system, they will complete identity verification procedures at the International Students & Scholars Center and complete the enrollment qualification review at their school/department (students should present original passport and original certificate of previous degree, as well as submit the original document of degree authentication. New graduate students also need to submit the original final transcript). Chinese government scholarship recipients are also required to complete the on-site signature registration at the Graduate School.

Q11. Do I need to purchase comprehensive medical insurance for studying in China?

A: According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, all international students must purchase the government-designated medical insurance plan during their studies. International students who are currently overseas and enroll online do not need to purchase the comprehensive medical insurance at this stage. After entering China, they can follow the procedures to purchase insurance online. For international students currently in the Chinese Mainland, they must buy the designated insurance.

Q28. What is an Electronic ID? What can it be used for?

A: The electronic ID is a combination of numbers of student ID and accounts and the passwords. The accounts include web access account and email account. Your electronic ID is used for accessing Tsinghua University’s online information system, which gives students access to all important internal university information and resources. The ID will enable you to:

✔ Access your Tsinghua Info account (http://info.tsinghua.edu.cn), which allows you to see many types of university notices and public announcements, news, published resources, sign up for classes, check your grades, and provide feedback on your courses. (There is also an English version of Info which has the basic operational functions required for students teaching and learning. To get to the English version, go to http://info.tsinghua.edu.cn/, after inputting your student ID and password then click on the ‘English’ button in the top right.)

✔ Access Tsinghua Web Learning (http://learn.tsinghua.edu.cn), which allows you to see announcements for your classes, download class materials, submit assignments, and interact with your teachers.

✔ Access the Tsinghua Library System (http://lib.tsinghua.edu.cn), which allows you to search and read books, articles, and other library resources and to see what resources you have borrowed.

✔ Access your university email account (https://mails.tsinghua.edu.cn) which has 50 GB of storage, enables you to receive emails from the university, your department/school, supervisor, and instructors, and receive information related to your academic and research activities.

✔ Access your alumnus email account (automatically opened as you set up your student email account) which ends with @mail.tsinghua.org.cn and is accessed at: http://mail.tsinghua.org.cn.

✔ Use Tsinghua’s internet, including the university’s plug-in and wireless networks (The SSID starts with “Tsinghua”), which requires you to log in to use.

✔ Use Tsinghua’s cloud storage (https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn), which allows you to store and access academic materials uploaded by your teachers and peers, backup your files, and share and manage your files as a service. Every teacher and student can use 300 GB of space.

✔ Use Tsinghua’s information service WeChat account, which enables teachers and students to access university information resources and complete various administrative tasks remotely. After registering on the account, students can link their electronic ID (https://id.tsinghua.edu.cn) to their mobile number, then search Tsinghua’s information service WeChat account  "太阳集团tyc5997信息服务" and follow it.

✔ Access the university IT service website (http://its.tsinghua.edu.cn), and you can refer to the information service and information security related notice, as well as guide to university information services and frequently asked questions, training materials. You may also download anti-virus software, office software, computing professional software and other public software.

Note:  For students off-campus, Tsinghua University websites can be accessed through a VPN system.

Q29. How do I activate my electronic ID? How do I acquire the verification code?

A: Students need a verification code to activate their electronic ID. For students who are registering for enrollment in person, undergraduate students pick up their verification code at the International Student & Scholars Center and graduate students at their school/department. For those students who are enrolling online, the university will email the verification code to you via email after you have successfully paid your tuition fees. Non-degree students will receive the verification code via email sent by the Non-degree Programs Office of the Academic Affairs Office.

(1) To use the verification code, please log on to https://id.tsinghua.edu.cn, select “English”, click on “Freshmen” and then “International Student”. Then, the student should complete the registration to obtain their electronic ID user code. 学生访问https://id.tsinghua.edu.cn,


(2) Input your student ID number and verification code 填写学号及校验码


(3) Verify your personal information 身份信息确认


(4) Activation successful 激活成功


Q54. After enrollment on-campus at the university, how will the university be managed? Is it a closed management?

A: According to the current epidemic prevention and control requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Beijing Municipal Government, the university will conduct “relatively closed management” for students on-campus. In accordance with university requirements, students should report on the online system before entry and exit of the campus.

Q56. Is there a list of relevant departments that new students might need to contact regarding enrollment registration?

A: Please refer to the table below for contact information of relevant departments.


Source: ISSC

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